I'll begin this with a confession. I am a motor mouth. I have a PhD in chatting. Small talk. Serious talk. You name it, I excel at it. But as many gifts, it comes with great responsibility. You see as being a bigger talker, I am also required (and enjoy) to be a listener. I love to hear about my loved ones' joys, burdens, and everything in between.
With that said, I have noticed there is a growing pandemic among my friend base. That is the fear of what is to come. You see at the age in life where I am about to make my debut in the REAL WORLD. No, not the trashy - yet addicting reality T.V. show. But THE real world. Full of things like insurance, a 9-5 job, bills (that aren't relayed to me by my roommates via Post-It Note), and budgets. As I and my friends near our great debut, I am discovering that everyone is terrified. As amazing as it feels to be graduating from college - its equally if not more terrifying.
After hearing that this was not only a fear of mine, but common amongst my gal pals as well. Most are finding ourselves lacking clarity as to what we should do after graduation day and even more what we should do with our lives. Although we try to balance this fear with silly but mostly whimsical business ideas. We are at a loss for words, or actions really.
So with the knowledge of this plague, I was talking to a very wise friend this morning. I was relaying to him of my worry of just not having anything to do. Or that I will make a mistake and wind up in a place where God has not planned for me to be. Thus rendering me "out of God's will" and completely useless. Where all my efforts would be in vain and all for not.
Then he spoke great truth into my life: God will be in the situation I am in. Just as He is present where I am now. That He can and even more promising WILL use me in any situation I find myself. This does not mean we should not pray for the Lord's guidance and seek His desires for what He has for me. But that I can make no mistake in which ever path my life takes -- as long as I am serving in that situation.
Now, this is something I of course knew but had completely lost sight of. In the words of another very wise man "Where ever you are, thats where you are." Whats important is that you are serving where you are. In whatever way you can.
So people of my generation, fearing your futures, take heart. God is steadfast in His love for us. He will never leave or forsake us. And He has designed a life of purpose and greatness for us.
Please be encouraged in that.